ATTENTION: All orders, returns and inquiries are processed by Ink Technologies, LLC. Please add to your email white list.
Purchase Orders are accepted for Schools and Government agencies. The information below details how to place an order with using a purchase order.
A purchase order can be emailed to us as a PDF or by fax. Email us a PDF: Fill out the Contact Us form and attach your PO as a PDF.
The purchase order must contain the following:
- A unique Purchase Order number
- School or Organization information (address, phone number, etc.).
- Name of contact person, title and contact information (address, phone number etc.).
- A valid email address for the billing contact.
- Order details / requested products - quantities and descriptions.
- Total approved dollar amount of order must be clearly stated.
- Please include shipping charges if applicable. Ground shipping is free for orders of $50 or more.
- Please include any applicable sales tax, based on your Ship To addess.
- Authorized signature and title of signer.
To ensure there are no delays, please verify all the above information is provided.